
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Professional Practices Assignment 1

What type of work do you make?
I make all sorts of work in a wide variety of medias. That said, I work most often in Printmaking and Painting. In print I use Serigraphy, Aquatint and Silk Aquatint often. I paint with both acrylic and oils.
My work mostly deals with my interest in identity, how it is formed, the choices of the individual that lead to this formation, and the intentionality of its formation.

What words best describe this work? (10 or more descriptive terms)
Portraiture, realistic, large, humorous, voyeuristic, personal, documentarian, approachable, expository, comforting

What skills do you have to earn money besides selling your work (computer skills, photography, mechanic, singer, chef etc?)
I have made money as a teacher, puppeteer, juggler, magician, musician, entertainer, shoe shine man, and manager.  I am good at working with children and children with special needs.

Where have you shown your work publicly?
I have shown my work in small house shows around midtown

Where would you like to show your work? (locally, nationally and internationally?)

I don’t really have any specifics in mind, but I would love to have my work shown in as many places to as broad an audience as possible.

If you were going to group your professional friends/contacts into distinct networks, what would those be?
Art Contacts, Performing contacts, Music contacts

What kinds of art or communities of practitioners do you track? (e.g. experimental architecture, noise music, fashion designers, figure painters, video art...etc.)

Printmakers, Artists working with the human figure, Artists working to create reality and/or distort reality, Punk, Folk music/roots based modern music.

How do you track them (blogs, lists, magazines, books, websites) – List:
Mainly through blogs and websites but also through books, magazines, house shows, word of mouth, critical articles, radio and podcasts.

Do you feel that you are now (or want to be in the future) a part of any “scenes” or communities? List:
I am currently involved in the Memphis Folk and Punk scenes as well as the house show scene. I would love to be more involved in the Memphis art scene and subsequently other cities.

What opportunities (schools, grants, exhibitions, competitions) have you applied to in the past? List:
I have submitted one of my Artist Books to the ArtBound competition put on by University of Florida Libraries. I have participated in exchange portfolios through the Southern Graphics Conference.

.......RELATED ARTISTS – artists on a local, national and international level…........

Who are several related artists that you admire?
Zoe Saldana, Caleb Larson, Mauricio Cattelan, Tom Huck, Mel Kadel, and Swoon

How did you find out about them?
Word of mouth, Museum exhibitions, Classes, and Magazines

Where do they show their work and what level are they at in their career?

They all have work shown on an international level, but in different ways from gallery shows to street art.

Who funds their work? They fund their own work through the sale of their art

What makes them successful?
Their work obviously, but also their self sufficience.

What do they do to earn money outside of their artwork?
Some of them teach on top of doing their work.

Who is the public for their artwork (Who sees it, enjoys it, collects it, talks about it?)– List:

For Swoon, the public is probably the most broad as a street artist however, her woodblock wheatpastes have gained her a large print following. For Mel Kadel, I think most of her fans are illustrators who have found her work online. Tom Huck is very big in the print community and fans of woodcut are likely to enjoy his work. Larson, Saldana and Cattelan are probably more for the art educated. Their work uses a significant amount of inside reference to the art world and art history.

What professional associations do they have? Are they affiliated with institutions? List:
Swoon and Tom Huck are both well connected to print communities and arts communities around the world. Cattelan is associated with a number of big name artists like Damien Hirst. Saldana is associated with a number of educational programs as well as a dedicated art community.

Have you tried to contact them and how would you do it?
Ive talked to Swoon. I saw her at a conference and talked to her. I haven’t attempted to contact any of the others. It hadn’t crossed my mind honestly.